
To view all available Nitrous Systems, please visit our Engine Mods section of the web site by clicking here

For the maximum horsepower and for instant power on demand, there is no substitute for nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide works by delivering high amounts of oxygen to your engine. Nitrous oxide is stored in high pressure tank at about 900 psi. At this pressure, nitrous oxide is in a liquid form. When it is released into an intake manifold at atmospheric pressure, it changes to a gas and expands, giving off high amounts of oxygen. As you add this boost of oxygen, you also get a lower manifold temperature because of the phase change of the nitrous oxide from a liquid to a gas. But too much oxygen can become a problem. High levels of oxygen alone will cause detonation and engine damage. To keep things safe, the ratio of air/fuel must be kept in check, so additional fuel must be delivered when the nitrous system is running. To keep enough fuel running into the engine, 3/8-inch fuel lines are a minimum, and a high-output fuel pump is also necessary.

A simple nitrous system consists of a plate that is installed between the fuel injection system (throttle body or carburetor) and the intake manifold. The plate injects both the nitrous and fuel when activated. Such a systems add a tremendous amount of power, somehwere in the range of 100-200 horsepower. These systems are safe as long as they are installed properly, designed by a reputiable manufacturer, and used with intelligence. It may be illegal to use nitrous oxide on your street-driven truck, check your local laws first. More complicated systems use individual nozzles, one per intake port. These systems deliver even more power, up to 350 horsepower, but they also require a highly modified engine.